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Médecins par pays



(doctors here discovered, validated a list of five diagnostic criteria, developed most surgeries and treatments for PN):

Dr. Eric Bautrant


25, rue Victor Hugo

13100 Aix en Provence France

T 04 42 37 38 07 F 011 33 442373801



Dr.Bautrant is a pelvic surgeon who created and performs the Trans-Ischio-Rectal Fossa Appraoch (TIR) approach to pudendal nerve decompression surgery. The approach spares cutting the large, pelvis stabilizer Subtuberas Ligament  (STL). Dr. Bautrant has been involved in the research and care of pudendal neuralgia paitents since at least 2003. He is one of the first to make it his specialty. Patients report he takes his time, does a full physical exam, is compassionate and will not do surgery untless he feels the patient is a good candidate for success. 


Dr Gaelle Mouton Paradot - Paris

Clinique Drouot Molitor

37 rue Molitor
75016 Paris 01 88 40 20 30


Centre Du Rachis

27 boulevard Victor Hugo, 92200

Neuilly Sur Seine 


Dr Paradot has operating privilages at two clinics:​

  1. la Clinique Drouot Rémusat – 21 Rue de Rémusat, 75016 Paris

  2. Clinique Ambroise Paré - 27 boulevard Victor Hugo, 92200 Neuilly Sur Seine 


She's a pelvic surgeon who performs the Transgluteal Approach TG to pudendal decompression surgery. This approach is popular but cuts through the Subtuberous Ligament (STL) which is large and the stabilzer of the pelvis.

She also look for damage to the cluneal nerve. This is a nerve anatomically close to the pudendal nerve which gives more lateral pain in the perineum (labia majora, lateros testicles, around the anus). PNA is starting to read that more doctors are looking at the cluneal and pudendal nerve together. We are going to do more research. I'm going to get a cluneal block as I have had pain in that area as long as I have had pudendal neuralgia.

Dr. Paradot requires a positive diagnostic pudendal nerve block (as I'm sure all expert surgeons do). She wants paitents to have seen gynecolosists, urolgoysts, and rectal surgerons, to make sure to have ruled out causes that are not related to pudendal neuralgia before they meet with her. Patients report she takes his time, does a full physical exam, is compassionate and will not do surgery untless he feels the patient is a good candidate for success. 

Dr. Paradot  has a excellent website. You can cut and paste into any Translate application.

Professor Roger Robert-  NANTES

Professor Roger Robert leads a team of physicians from Nantes, France that diagnose and treat pudendal neuralgia. Prof. Robert developed the Transgluteal technique for surgical release or the Transgluteal Approach (TG). This approach is popular but cuts through the Subtuberous Ligament (STL) which is large and the stabilzer of the pelvis.

The Nantes team of physicians includes

Dr. Labat, a neurologist that performs EMG, pudendal nerve motor latency testing and other tests to confirm the presence of PNE.

Dr. Riant, an anesthesiologist performs nerve blocks and assists in the diagnosis effort.

Dr. Guerineau, pelvic floor physical therapist and kinestherapist who reduces muscle spasm through PFPT thereby decreasing a patient’s pain.


From their page: "Contact is available via mail, please include your name, date of birth, address, phone number, a history of your symptoms, treatments that you have tried, and an e-mail address."


Dr Riant. Pain Specialist and Anesthesist – Nerve Blocks
Centre Catherine De Sienne,
Unite de d’evaluation et Traitement de la Douleur,
2, Rue Eric Tabarly
44200 Nantes France


Dr J.J. Labat. Neurologist & Urologist – PNMLT
Cabinet Neurologie
25, Rue Mauvoisins
44100 Nantes France


Dr. Hamel Oliver* - Médecin neurochirurgien -Toulouse
Études de médecine PCEM/DCEM — Nantes (1993-1998)
Concours de l’Internat de médecine — (1998)
Interne des Hôpitaux de Nantes — Nantes (1998-2004)

*I read about this doctor on the French FB group. I have emailed to confirm he does PN surgery and which approach 1/1/24. No response as of 1/9,

Dr. Eric de Bisschop

Quartier Tourtelle, 781 RN 8,

13400 Aubagne, France

+33 4 42 36 21 65

Performs Transperineal Approach (TP) for PN decompression surgery. He uses a balloon probe, sparing the Sacrospinous Ligament (SSL). Dr. de Bisschop performs EMG’s and does EMG guided pudendal nerve and Ilioinguinal nerve blocks.  


Professor Dr. Oskar C, Aszmann.- Vienna

Director of the Center for Extremity Reconstruction and RehabilitationDivision of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Medical University of Vienna

T 0043 1 40400 5616, F 0043 1 404224810

Dr. Aszmann developed surgery to treat pudendal nerve entrapment PNE of the distal pudendal nerve (dorsal nerve of penis or dorsal nerve of clitoris).  We have read that he performs the transglueal approach (TG) which cuts both the STL and the SSL which gives the best view of all three branches of the pudendal nerve, so we are not sure why he would only treat the dorsal branch. We are emailing him to find out. If you have any information about Dr. Aszmann, please email the site. c



Dr. Anna Zdunczyk - Berlin

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Visiting address:
Bettenhochhaus, Luisenstr. 64

Contect online:

We have just learned about Dr. Zdunczyk. She perofrms the transgluteal approach to decompression surgery and studies with Dr. Oskar Aszmann who is in Vienna. We have written to Dr. Zdunczyk to co nfirm this information and find out more about her treatment(s) for pudendal neuralgia.



Dr. Marc Possover - Zürich

Possover International Medical Center AG
Klausstrasse 4
8008 Zürich

+41 44 520 36 00

Founded relatively new discipline of Neuropelveology*, concerned with the diagnosis of injuries and dysfunctions of the pelvic nerves and with the treatment of the symptoms and diseases caused by them.These include:

  • Hyperactive bladder, urinary and fecal incontinence, urinary retention

  • Neuropathic pelvic pain (genital, groin, pudendal, back, sciatic pain etc.))

  • Sexual disorders in women and men

Note: Patients have posted that he's more expenseive than other doctors.  Will try to get prices).​

*Publication on Neuropelveology 2017

Dr. Bruno Roche - Geneve - RETIRING AS of February 16, 2024. Referring new patients to Dr. Marc Possover - Zürich.

NOTE: Checking on the status of the other doctors listed below.

Leads a team of physicians from Geneva. He's a surgeon specializing in coloproctology and perineal surgery. He was trained by Professor Robert in the Transgluteal Approach TG of surgical decompression. He works closely with Dr. Alex Cahana, an anesthetist and chief of the pain clinic.

Dr. Cahana specializes in pain evaluation and infiltrations.

Dr. Joan Robert-Yap performs pudendal nerve motor latency testing and handles any neuromodulation treatment that may be required.

Unité de Proctology
Hopitaux Universitaire de Geneve
1211 Geneve 14
T +41 22 372 79 34
F +41 22 372 79 09



Mr. Christopher Wong, MB BCH PHD FRCS. Travled to Nantes,

France in 2009 to study.

Dr. Wong performs the Pudendal Nerve Decompression Transgluteal Approach (TG)

The Bristol Team
Dr. Gareth Greenslade
Mr N. Patel, consultant neurosurgeon.

Bristol (118 miles west of London)

**I emaled Dr. Wong with a series of questions about the treatments he and his team off and if they accept the UK's national healthcare. Still waiting to hear back 1.5.24.



Dr. Fernando Itza. I've emailed with Dr. Itza. He's very personable and clear about his conclusions regarding pudendal neuralgia. He is very clear that most people who have CPP or chronic pelvic pain is due to "myofascial pain syndrome in the pelvic floor" or tight/hypertonic pelvic floor muscles pressing on the pudendal nerve. The pain can be continuous or episodic. MPPS can impact urinary, bowel, and sexual function. It is mainly causes by injury or overuse. He focuses most on conservative treatments for MPPS.

Dr. Itza maintains, which has been scientifically proven, that a small percentage of people with pelvic pain have pudendal neuralgia. He does acknowledge that this small percetage of patients cannot be healed by conservative treatments alone.

Dr. Itza supports The Nantes Critera, emphazing that doctors use all five to diagnosis the condition.

I've looked at Dr. Itza's website, read abstracts of his studies, and watched an excellent video (link below, you can set CC for English) where he does mention three depcompression surgeries. He does not say if he endorses one over the others or performs the surgery himself. Dr. Itza does talk about one disadvantage of the transperineal approach (TP) developed by Dr. Shafik of Egypt in that it lacks visibility.

One of many study abstracts:





Dr. Jean Pierre Van Buyten.  Expert in neuromodulation for patients with pudendal neuralgia.

We've been trying to get a hold of Dr. Van Buyten without success yet. Will keep trying.  

Dr. Jacques Beco.  Obstetrician and gynecologist who performs pudendal nerve decompression surgery using the Perineal Approach (TP) under endoscopic control (“pudendoscopy”). After the opening of the Alcock’s canal and mobilization of the perineal branch, Dr. Beco opens the clamp between the sacro-spinal and sacro-tuberous ligaments and cuts the sacro-spinal ligament,




Dr. Tibet Erdogru - Istanbul. Performs robotic and Laparoscopic Approach (LaPNDT) pudendal nerve decompression surgery.

He evaluates the patients with detailed history, Pudendal Neuralgia Questionnaire (IQPD v1.1), and physical examination, laboratory analysis, EMG, and pelvic MRI focused on the pudendal neurovascular bundle region. and Alcock’s canal.

Dr. Erdogru also treats interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome. And he treats intractable painful bladder syndrome.

Dr. Erdogru employs neuromodulation to treat pudendal neuralgia and interstitial cystitis, but we need to find out which type(s) and companies he uses. **Researching**






Women's Health and Research Institute of Australia (WHRIA) - Sydney

Physicians (six)

Dr. Thierry Vancaillie, Clinical Professor - Gynaecologist & Pain Medicine Specialist

Dr. John Eden, Associate Professor - Gynaecologist & Reproductive Endocrinologist

Dr. Yasmin Tan - Gynaecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon & Ultrasound Specialist

Dr. Amanda Beech - Obstetric Medicine Physician & Endocrinologist

Dr. Lauren Kite - Gynaecologist, Obstetrician & Pain Medicine Specialist, Laparoscopic Surgeon

Dr. Karen Chan - Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon


Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists


Donna Namdaran Reynolds - Women's and Paediatric Bowel & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Sherin Jarvis - Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Note: **PNA plan in the very near future to encourage a relationship with WHIRA physicians and New Zealand as the latter has

no doctors who treat pudendal neuralgia.  **I've read that New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, and people from

countries with reciprocal benefits are eligible to enroll Australia's universal public health insurance program that is financed through general tax revenue and a government levy. **Must raise funds for travel. Must do research**

Dr. Peter Courtney - Melbourne
Melbourne Pain Group


Professor Peter Teddy - Melbourne

Neurosurgeon. Implants Peripheral Nerve Stimulator **need to find out which one**

The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Western Hospital, and Northern Hospital



New Zealand (see Sydney)


We have not found any doctor in New Zealand who perform pudendal neuralgia decompression surgery.


If anyone knows of a credible doctor please contact us ASAP.




We have not found any doctor in Canada who perform

pudendal neuralgia decompression surgery.


If anyone knows of a credible doctor please contact us ASAP.





South America - Brasil


We have reached out to doctors in São Paulo to see if any know of

experienced doctors who treat pudendal neuralgia in other parts of

the country. They respond once or twice, but then no more. Brasil has

an excellent national healthcare system called

The Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). I have asked the doctors if all must

accept it or if they are able to run their practice on a cash only basis.



I am going to look for a centralized organzation, perhaps The Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) to see if I can get more information. We would like to get at least three to five doctors names who are not in São Paulo. We would also like to confirm at least one doctor is the big city who accepts the national healthcare. 




Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance

© 2024 by Made with Wix ™ by a volunteer

Paid for by volunteer until 501c3 status granted by IRS

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