Pudendal neuralgia has many causes (etiologic factors). They include:
- Prolonged sitting such as an office job - for months or years can cause damage to pudendal nerve (PN) and pelvic floor
Chronic Constipation - straining for months or years can cause damage to PN and pelvic floor
Cycling - for months or years can cause damage to PN and pelvic floor
Horse riding - for months or years can cause damage to PN and pelvic floor
Pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE) - PN is compressed internally - See submenu for explanation
Fitness exercises, machines, leg presses, weight lifting with squats, activities that target the hip flexors, and karate
with kickboxing -
Mesh surgery transvaginal
Childbirth (stretches the nerve)
Trauma (falling)
Antibiotics (Fluoroquinolones)
Surgeries such as prostatectomy
Tumors (benign)
Tarlov cysts
Scar tissue
Joint Hypermobility (possible)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS/HSD) (possible)
Sometimes no cause is found - Idiopathic
Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance
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