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Stem Cell or RHEO Therapy
Experimental Non-FDA Approved

(False Treatment)

Currently, the only stem cell-based treatment that is routinely reviewed and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is hematopoietic (or blood) stem cell transplantation. It is used to treat patients with cancers and disorders that affect the blood and immune system. 1


Stem cell-based therapies for all other conditions are still experimental. 2  


This includes pudendal neuralgia. You might as well throw your money down the drain. Also, inserting needles near your pudendal nerve and all surrounding nerves, vessels, and tissues, especially by a doctor who knows the injection is experimental, i.e., fake, could easiy cause harm to any anatomy in that ear.


On average, stem cell therapy costs can range anywhere between $5,000 and $50,000. For specific treatments, a single stem cell injection costs $4,000.


Anyone considering the use of anything purported to be a regenerative medicine product [except thematopoietic (or blood) stem cell transplantation}, including stem cell products, exosome products, or other widely promoted products such as products derived from adipose tissue (this product is also known as stromal vascular fraction), human umbilical cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly, or amniotic fluid should know None of these products have been approved for the treatment" by the FDA.​


Stem cell lines currently in use come from four to five day-old embryos left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. In IVF, researchers mix a man’s sperm and a woman’s eggs together in a lab dish. Some of those eggs will become fertilized. At about five days the egg has divided to become a hollow ball of roughly 100 cells called a blastocyst which is smaller than the size of the dot over an “i”. 3


What is RHEO?


Biotech Products Services and Research, Inc. (BPSR) (“Company”)  wholly-owned subsidiary, Anu Life Sciences Inc. (“Anu”), produces and distrubutesf amniotic allograft biological product and is being sold through Anu’s designated distributor and affiliate, General Surgical Inc. (“General Surgical”), under the name “Regen Anu Rheo.” 


ReGen Anu RHEO is human tissue allograft derived from placental tissue; amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid.


Allograft is a tissue graft from a donor of the same species as the recipient but not genetically identical.


REMINDER: Do not read a doctor's website to research efficacy or safety of a safety of a procedure because they directly benefit from positive results which may well be fabricated. You want to read studies published studies in reputable medical journals (a third party).


Most Important is that the doctors who publish should list the statement NO CONFLICT of INTEREST. The best example is that positive results will benefit them and/or their institution financially. This does for testing treatments, to cars, to paint. You would not trust a car safety study of BMW conducted by BMW. You would read a third-party report in Consumer Reports.


Medicare is the benchmark for FDA approved procedures. If it doesn't cover one, it is probably not a good idea to go forward.


The exception may be neurostimulation because although there are no large, significant studies concluding that it relieves chronic nerve pain for pudendal neuralgia because it is rare, there are a myriad of them of other nerves and parts of the body. 


"But though such diseases are individually rare, collectively an estimated 25 to 30 million Americans are affected." 4  


30 million out of 330 million Americans is not rare.


One of our objectives of Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance is to raise funds and to convince hospitals and doctors to run clinical studies on neurostimulation and other treatments. Medicine should not only be about profit. Money is necessary for studies and research, but highly profitable areas of medicine and donation should fund non-profitable disease studies and research because Americans suffering from them are equal in value to all others.



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Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance

© 2024 by Made with Wix ™ by volunteer Belinda Berdes

Paid for by Ms. Berdes until 501c3 established

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