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Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)

(False Treatment)

Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) injections are treatments for osteoarthritis and other painful orthopedic conditions.


Identification of Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) as a master inhibitor of cartilage degrading factors that attenuates post-traumatic osteoarthritis progression


Conclusion:  A2M is a plasma protease inhibitor that is not present in sufficient concentrations to inactivate the high concentrations of catabolic factors found in OA SF. Our findings suggest that supplemental intra-articular A2M provides chondral protection for post traumatic OA. 1


PNA could find no published medical studies by any reputable publisher of scienfic work that Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) injections are a scientifically proven treatment for pudendal neuralgia. If you find one, please email us at


Cash Procedures


The procedures for pelvic pain that are proven to be safe and effective are largely covered by insurance.  Things that are deemed “experimental” or lacking evidence are typically not covered by insurance.  


Medicare is the benchmark for FDA approved procedures. If it doesn't cover one, it is probably not a good idea to go forward.


One of our objectives of Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance is to raise funds and to convince hospitals and doctors to run clinical studies on neurostimulation and other treatments including injections of various medications.







Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance

© 2024 by Made with Wix ™ by volunteer Belinda Berdes

Paid for by Ms. Berdes until 501c3 established

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