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Dry Needling

Dry needling is a treatment that healthcare providers use for pain and movement issues associated with myofascial trigger points. With this technique, a provider inserts thin needles into or near your trigger points. The needles stimulate your muscles, which causes them to contract or twitch. This helps relieve pain and improve your range of motion.






















Dry needling involves inserting a thin sterile needle of varying lengths into a trigger point. The goal of trigger point dry needling is to elicit a twitch response, which is a sudden contraction and subsequent relaxation of the treated muscle. This allows the muscle to do a better job performing its role in stabilizing the pelvis and performing motion. Releasing the tightness in the muscle allows it to contract and relax better and improves the inherent strength of the muscle.

Unlike acupuncture which uses the same needles left in place for periods of time, in dry needling locates the trigger point and employs a “pecking” technique in which the needle is moved. This elicits a series of twitches from the trigger point and surrounding nerves, allowing the muscle to relax.


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