Cluneal Nerve Block
Inferior Cluneal Nerve
The Sacram sensory branches of S1-S3 give rise to the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (PFCN), which in turn gives rise to the inferior cluneal nerves (ICN)
Along with the sciatic and pudendal nerves, the PFCN travels via the sciatic notch
The lateral anal region, lateral labia majora, and inferior region of the buttocks are all innervated by it
It divides into the inferior cluneal and perineal branches in the subgluteal area
The nerves wind repeatedly around the gluteus maximus' inferior edge.
Inferior cluneal nerve entrapment syndrome can be a misdiagnosed and confused with pudendal neuralgia. A positive diagnostic block at the lateral and inferior edges of the ischium with a negative anesthetic response to a pudendal nerve block may suggest the lesion is involving the inferior cluneal nerve.