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False "Fake" Treatments

There are a number of evidence-based treatment options for pelvic pain and pudendal neuralgia that are proven to work. Here is a link to the basic tenets of science that have advanced medicine so quickly in the last 150 years:


Understanding Research: PBS Frontline (Anecdotal vs. Double-blind controlled studies with control group (placebo)


However, there are also fake treatments sadly sold by doctors pretending to be pelvic pain specialists to exploit desperate people with severe, chronic pudendal nerve pain. These “pretend” treatments are nothing more than trickery that pretend to be new, experimental, minimally invasive when in reality they are just scams being pushed by salespeople preying a patients. The doctor knows the treatments won't work. Have your guard up; they will act as if they care as they take your cash. The doctors have to charge cash because the "treatments" are not FDA-approved and cannot be processed through any insurance.


REMINDER: Do not read a doctor's website to research the efficiency or safety of safety of a procedure. You want to read studies published studies in reputable medical journals (a third party). 


Most Important is that the doctors who publish should list the statement NO CONFLICT of INTEREST. The best example is that positive results will benefit them and/or their institution financially. This does for testing treatments, to cars, to paint. You would not trust a car safety study of BMW conducted by BMW. You would read a third party report in Consumer Reports.


We explain the following fraudulent, a polite word for fake, scientifically unproven ineffective treatments, mostly injectionspaid in cash, for pudendal neuralgia in the dropdowns to this main menu item False Treatments. Some treatments


  • Cryoablaion Cryoneurolysis (ablation/destruction through freezing using probe)

  • Stem Cell Therapy / Rheo injections

  • Hydrodissection​ injections (water)

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

  • Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) injections

  • Prolotherapy injections (dextrose/sugar water irritant)

  • Hyaluronic acid injections


Cash Procedures


Medicare is the benchmark for FDA approved procedures. If it doesn't cover one, it is probably not a good idea to go forward. Always conduct research using studies, publications, clinical trials conducted by parties with NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST. For example, you would not research the safety of any of the above procedures via the site of a doctor or the medical practice that sells and profits from them. Their conflict is that they will benefit financially.


Also, it is always good to get a second opinion especially regarding pudendal neuralgia and any other rare condition 



Pudendal Neuralgia Alliance

© 2024 by Made with Wix ™ by founder (nonprofessional)

Paid for by founder until 501c3 status granted by IRS

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